Failure - the inevitable part of self-improvement and learning process

If you never failed, you never tried anything new.
- Albert Einstein

Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavour. It is an inevitable part of life, but only a few of us realize this, and keep stumbling through them to achieve our ultimate goal. It is not an option as everyone has to fail at some point in their life sooner or later. It is not enjoyable at all, instead it's quite disturbing and painful - mentally, physically and financially. But, it is the way to learn and improve oneself, so that one may rise up with more enthusiasm next time and take wiser decisions ahead in life.

Most of us consider failure a negative element, but infact it is a great teacher from which we can learn a lot. You may find a lot of examples of great people who failed a thousand times and reached where they are now in their life. There can be no exception in the context of success, where there is absence of failure.

The most important thing to deal with failures is to prepare yourself well at mental level. There are a few elements which you must consider in order to be ready for such a situation, so as to avoid any sudden tragedy. These are patience, perseverance, consistency, curiosity and ofcourse a strong will. If you keep patiently working with consistency and if you have the curiosity of learning with a strong will to stand for yourself, then there is no such thing that may stop you.

One must understand that no progress can take place within one's comfort zone. Hence, one has to go outside it and take risks, without worrying about what others may think. You must also practise to become a stubborn person, without which you won't be able to reach where you want. It is a fact that without being stubborn, it is impossible to convert your dreams into reality.

In a nutshell, you are capable of achieving anything you desire of. The only criterion to be eligible for getting what you want, is whether you are human. We have the most beautiful gift given by God, that in the entire nature is exclusive to only us humans - our brain. Humanity has come so far, with the help of this marvellous art created by the supreme power. And it won't be any exaggeration if I say that you can do whatever you set your mind to! 

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