A new data suggests that dark energy is getting stronger

A new data reveals that dark energy as thought earlier, is not constant but is getting stronger with time. Physicists believed that the mysterious force responsible for the expansion of the universe known as dark energy, was constant. But a new strange observation from quasars back to just a billion year after the Big Bang, suggest that it has actually been getting stronger over time. According to the researchers, the rate of expansion is faster than they had expected.

According to a new paper published in the journal nature astronomy, two colleagues at Durham University, examined x-rays and ultraviolet data from telescopes pointed at two thousand quasars. It was observed that they were not just moving apart from each other but moving with an accelerated rate with time. This means that dark energy must be getting stronger with time. This has made scientists to speculate that we may need a new set of laws in physics which could possibly change our understanding of the universe. 

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