47 million years ago, the colors of life blossomed on the earth due to the collision with Asteroids
Till now, it was believed that life on earth originated and reached the present stage through evolution. But now, scientists have made a shocking new discovery...
Till now it was believed that life on earth has reached this stage only through evolution. But now scientists have made a shocking discovery about this. Scientists have found in their studies that the different colors of life on Earth are the result of the devastation in the outer space. About 47 million years ago, the biodiversity of the Earth gained momentum due to the collision of asteroids.
According to scientists, the biodiversity of the Earth began to change gradually due to the asteroid collisions. The study, published in the journal Science Reports, states that the asteroid between Jupiter and Mars collided 47 million years ago, due to which the atmosphere of the nearby planets was also covered with dust.
Researchers at Lund University in Sweden said that due to the collision of asteroids, the dust had spread so much in the space that even sunlight was not reaching the earth completely and that is why the Ice Age started on Earth. According to the researchers, it was only due to the ice age that the Earth's climate changed and organisms began to develop.
What is Asteroid?
Asteroids are celestial bodies rotating in the solar system that are smaller in size than other planets and larger than meteor bodies. The asteroid's circle of our solar system lies between the orbits of the planet Mars and Jupiter, with thousands of asteroids orbiting the sun. There is also a dwarf planet named Siris with a diameter of 950 km. It is rounded due to its gravity. Apart from this, there are also asteroids larger than 400 km in diameter, including Vasta, Pallas and Hygeia etc.
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