One year of the earth's resources consumed in seven months, now life is being spent on borrowing
The world is moving towards destruction in the name of development. All the experts talk about balancing the two. And at the same time, forests are being cut down to meet our needs.
According to the report of an international organization Global FootPrint, we have used all the resources of the earth for this year 2019 till Monday (July 29). This means that we have exhausted all the resources for this year in such a short time and now we are living on borrowed resources for next year. In the last twenty years, the Earth Overshoot day has come two months ahead. That is, from today we will be alive on the resources of borrowing. The exploitation of our earth is not meeting our needs. According to experts, 1.75 earth is needed for this purpose. Till 2030 this need will increase to two earths.
In 1969, the amount of resources that the earth used to produce in a year, was used for about 13 months. Now the picture is changed. Today, we are exhausting the resources fixed for one year in almost seven months.
What does the 'Earth Overshoot Day' mean?
The concept of Earth overshoot day was brought by the Global Footprint Network and the UK's New Economic Foundation. It is an indicator of the day of each year on which the humans have consumed the natural resources allocated for that year. The first overshoot day was observed in 2006.
Exploitation of resources
In the name of development, the world is moving towards destruction. Experts are talking about bringing balance between the two. We are cutting the forests to meet our needs. Land erosion continues. Biodiversity is decreasing. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is happening at the peak. All of this has led to the global warming which has changed the entire climate of earth.
Beginning of Earth Overshoot Day
This day is being counted since 1986. From then on every year, this day is shifting before the last year's day. In 1993, it was on October 21, whereas it reduced to September 22 in 2003 and to 2nd August in 2017.
"We have got only one earth. This is most important for our existence. We can not use 1.75 (earth) without devastating results." -
Mathis Vaikaranzel, Founder of Global FootPrint.
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