Use of Bitcoin increases the emission of Carbon Dioxide gas : a new study says

The famous digital currency 'Bitcoin' emits 22 mega tons of carbon dioxide annually, which is equal to the total carbon dioxide emissions of cities like Las Vegas and Vienna. A study has revealed about this. Researchers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Germany made the most comprehensive calculation of the carbon footprint so far in the Bitcoin system. 
In the process of transfer of Bitcoin into the global Bitcoin network and to make it valid, it is necessary to solve a mathematical puzzle from any computer. Anyone can join this network and the puzzle-solving person gets a bitcoin in return. The calculation capacity used in this entire process is known as 'Bitcoin Mining', which has increased rapidly in recent years. Statistics show that only in 2018, there is a quadruple (four times) increase in it. As a result, Bitcoin competitions have also raised the question of whether cryptocurrencies are putting extra burden on the climate. 

Many studies have attempted to detect the emission of carbon dioxide from Bitcoin mining. "Although these studies are based on estimates," said Christian Stoll, who conducted research on the TUM and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) research. The researchers used various search engines through the Internet for this, using Bitcoin Minor's IP address, they detected and then re-examined the findings from the results obtained from it. According to the study's findings, in the Bitcoin system, carbon footprint is 22 and 22.9 megatons per year, which is equivalent to the footprint of cities like Hamburg, Vienna or Las Vegas.

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