This is how ISRO saved millions of lives from the cyclone Fani
Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm Fani was the strongest tropical cyclone to strike the Indian state of Odisha since Phailin in 2013. The second named storm and the first severe cyclonic storm of the 2019 North Indian Ocean cyclone season, Fani originated from a tropical depression that formed west of Sumatra in the Indian Ocean on 26 April.
Fani caused severe destruction to the state of Orissa. It reached Kharagpur in West Bengal at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. By the afternoon, the cyclone coming out of Bengal from Nadia and Murshidabad district reached Bangladesh. Fani in Odisha caused tremendous devastation, but India's already preparedness did not cause much damage to life.
ISRO had already traced the Fani storm, due to which millions of people were saved. Indian Meteorologists had discovered a major stir in the waters of the Southern Indian Ocean a week ago. After this, the satellite was constantly monitored. As soon as it turned into a major cyclonic storm, ISRO focused five satellites on this. These satellites were sending data to the Ground station every 15 minutes. Due to this preparation, the loss of big commodities was prevented and hence many lives were saved.
According to the IMD, the data of Satellites Inset-3D, Inset-3D, Scatsat-1, OceanSat-2 and Megha Tropic was used to study the intensity, location and cloud cover surrounding Fani storm. IMD Director General KJ Ramesh said, the satellite plays a vital role in forecasting. They help us especially during such type of events.
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